Scheduled services ON41 from Pohnpei to Palau and ON42 from Palau to Pohnpei will resume normal operations effective Thursday, 3 April 2025 Pohnpei-Palau-Pohnpei

Nauru Airlines commits to stringent sanitation and quarantine measures

In response to COVID-19, Nauru Airlines has stepped up its already rigorous cabin cleaning standards to mitigate the risk of potential exposure for employees and customers through fogging technology to disinfect its aircraft. 

Nauru has been fortunate enough to not have seen the virus on its shores, thanks to the numerous processes established by Nauru Airlines, including the introduction of a special ‘antimicrobial shield’ treatment, developed by Australian company Hygiene Labs to inactivate surface contaminations including COVID-19 for up to 28 days. 

The sister company of Hygiene Labs, Permagard Aviation, supplies and applies the treatment in Brisbane, a major maintenance centre for Nauru Airlines.  

Permagard Aviation General Manager Warren Bertschinger said fogging is a simple and effective method of applying the residual disinfectant. 

“The entire aircraft is sprayed using a fogging machine, which atomises the residual disinfectant and adheres to all cabin interior surfaces. Fogging delivers an accurate flow rate of atomised disinfectant (A333), which ensures uniform coverage of the antimicrobial shield on all surfaces,” said Mr Bertschinger.  

“We allow a 15-minute dwell time after fogging before opening the aircraft doors and then a further 15-minutes drying time.” 

Crew operating the fogging technology wear safety equipment as the product is in a suspended state, and once settled the disinfectant is completely transparent, food-safe and will not wash off.  

The A333 disinfectant is currently the only hospital grade disinfectant to be listed by the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) as providing 28-day efficacy against COVID-19. 

Additionally, in 2020, Nauru Airlines began distributing customer wellness packs before flights to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19.  

The wellness packs, supported by Nauru Post, Eigigu Solutions Corporation, Rainbow Enterprise Nauru and Digicel, include hand sanitiser, anti-bacterial wipes, health information and two masks.